Getting Here

1 Boyne Mountain Rd
Boyne Falls, MI 49713
Boyne Mountain Resort Map


Boyne Mountain Airport - BFA
Boyne Mountain is a pilot-friendly, fly-in destination. Whether you're flying by private plane or charter service, Boyne Mountain is your most convenient choice. We offer a 5,200-foot paved and lighted runway, with instrument approach landing available. No reservations are needed, landing fees are required, but no charge for parking. Refueling is available by appointment only. Please call (231) 459-5336. No self-service available. Tie-down space is also available.

Traverse City Cherry Capital - TVC
With direct flights offered by Delta Airlines, United Express, and American Airlines to Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, and seasonally to New York (LaGuardia & Newark), Cleveland, Denver, and Atlanta Cherry Capital Airport connects travelers to over 750 domestic and international destinations both conveniently and economically.  Cherry Capital Airport and the Traverse City area is approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes from the Boyne area.